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How does vetr assist in recognising the Professional Development I've undertaken?
Take a dive into 8 key adult learning principles!
New to artificial intelligence (AI) & want to explore its potential in VET? Or wanting to see some of the latest tools & techniques for practical AI use?
Are you ready to revolutionise your journalism skills and stay at the forefront of the digital age?
Take a detailed look at the process of analysing unit of competency assessment requirements.
Let's cover the basics of assessment!
Take a detailed look at how to support the Rule of Evidence: Authenticity.
It is essential that everyone is educated and responsible for the protection of data that holds personal information about employees or clients.
Let's get the context & methods right!
Stop the forgetting curve in its tracks... How to make learning stick
Knowledge, skills & tools needed to create an organisational culture conducive to decisions that are consistently aligned with your company's goals & maximise the probability of achieiving your business objectives
Knowledge, skills and tools needed to create an organisational environment conducive to decisions that are consistently aligned with your agency's objectives & maximise the probability of achieiving good outcomes
Take a detailed look at how to support the Rule of Evidence: Currency.
An essential course for all employees, contractors and third party suppliers to increase cyber awareness, help staff identify and manage cyber threats, and support compliance with the Data Privacy laws.
Consider key social issues brought about by the widespread use of the Internet
Use design thinking approaches to solve complex problems & find desirable solutions for clients
Take a detailed look at Volume of Learning, Amount of Training and setting your course durations.
Look at the ways in which emerging technologies will transform our lives & overturn current business & employment models
Support individual & professional development & maximise efficiency & productivity
Effectively use digital technologies & platforms for learning, work & daily life
Essential Skills for Success in Study, Work & Well-being
Recognise & manage stress to improve overall well-being.
Explore a variety of methods & approaches to keep learners engaged
Effectively evaluate & amplify the impact of your educational programs
Forms & Rules. Let's cover the basics of evidence!
Discover proven techniques to deliver impactful feedback to your students
Ensure your assessments reflect Fairness!
Ensure your assessments are flexible to individual learner's needs, using a range of 'appropriate' assessment methods.
Explore how to create equitable access, provide reasonable adjustments & ensure a supportive learning environment for all students, regardless of ability
Common industry engagement strategies
A short & simple explanation of the Principles of Assessment.
A short & simple online course exploring the Rules of Evidence
Explore Instructional Design principles tailored specifically for the VET sector
Craft learner personas for impactful learning experiences
Consider approaches to effectively identify LLND requirements, assess learner skill levels & needs for targeted support
Build the knowledge, skills & tools to make better decisions
Take a detailed look at developing observation & demonstration based assessment instruments & tasks.
Explore the conversion & development of digital assessment instruments & tasks & digital assessment practices.
Are you ready to take control of Your Next 20 Years and live the life that you deserve?
Take a detailed look at the process of preparing documentation for assessment tools development.
Using practical examples, we'll look at the purpose, context, scope & documentation needed for various validation activities.
A short & simple exploration of Fairness as a Principle of Assessment.
Is your RTO effectively managing information in line with the Australian Privacy Principles?
Develop robust product & project based assessment instruments & tasks.
Explore what is 'Quality' for a VET Provider... 7 quality management principles & 3 different levels of quality
Take a detailed look at developing questioning based assessment instruments & tasks.
Take a detailed look at Recognition of Prior Learning instruments & tasks.
From Application to Outcomes - RTO Records Requirements
Ensure your assessment tools & Assessor practices are reliable!
Key tips to ensure your organisation has a robust & scalable recognition approach!
A short & simple online course exploring authenticity as a Rule of Evidence
Explore Currency as a Rule of Evidence
A short & simple exploration of Sufficiency as a Rule of Evidence
A short & simple exploration of Validity as a Rule of Evidence
Understanding the Standards for RTOs - A practical guide for VET Personnel
Practical, working knowledge of how to begin making better professional and personal decisions immediately
Take a detailed look at 'how much is enough' - the Rule of Evidence: Sufficiency.
Explore the rise of digital activism & its consequences!
Explore evolving technology trends to predict technology changes over the next few decades
Tips & tricks for documenting robust Training & Assessment Strategy documentation
Refresh your understanding of training package design
Look at review & trialling approaches for assessment tools to ensure they are fit-for-purpose!
Take a detailed look at the use of other parties in the assessment process to support evidence collection.
Explore developing tools supporting the use of other parties in the evidence collection process.
Explore VOCSTATS & navigate data from various NCVER collections
Be confident in judgement validation outcomes - explore an example assessment judgement scenario being validated.
Be confident in your assessment tool validation - explore a real tool being validated.
Statistically valid, systematic random sampling & sample sizes. Let's cover the basics of validation!
Take a detailed look at Validation Planning over the 5 year planning cycle.
Take a detailed look at Validity & ensure any assessment decision in your provider is justified!
Take a detailed look at how to support the Rule of Evidence: Validity.
Unlock Your Future in the VET Sector
Implement robust & effective marketing practices
Handy VET Personnel requirements summary of the Standards for RTOs
VET Providers have a range of compliance obligations to be met
Explore approaches & best practices for work skills instruction
Learn signs & symptoms, the building blocks to self-help & how to realistically support others
Take a detailed look at developing simulated workplace observation & product instruments & tasks.
Master writing for effective learning