Instructional Design Essentials
Explore Instructional Design principles tailored specifically for the VET sector
This essentials short course provides a practical exploration of Instructional Design principles tailored specifically for the VET sector. Explore models and techniques on how to create engaging and effective learning experiences that empower students to thrive in their chosen trades or professions.
Free! for VET PD Series subscribers - Register via your vetr portal dashboard.
1 hour in duration.
20+ Registrations!
What we cover...
Fundamentals of instructional design
Popular ID models
Defining clear learning objectives
Designing engaging learning activities
The application of the models to VET context
Well designed
Thank you for the training provided
Good content & explanation
Participant Feedback
A Statement of Completion is available on completion of course activities.
- Designing Training
- Prepare to design strategy for training and assessment
- Design and develop training strategy
- Design and develop assessment strategy
- Finalise strategy for training and assessment
- Designing Learning Resources
- Prepare to design and develop print-based learning resources
- Prepare to design and develop e-learning resources for synchronous and asynchronous learning
- Plan design and development of print-based learning resources
- Plan design and development of e-learning resources
- Design print-based learning resources
- Design e-learning resources
Here is the course outline:
Instructional Design Essentials
1 hr
Explore models & techniques on how to create engaging & effective learning experiences that empower students |
The following statements are received when the course is completed:
Statement of Completion |