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Purchase for $19.90 (AUD) incl. GST


Consider key social issues brought about by the widespread use of the Internet. 

Examine issues unique to online content with particular emphasis on the eye-opening and rarely discussed psychological differences between trolls and other types of cyberhaters.

Introduce the key characteristics and underlying motivations of trolls, cyberstalkers, cyberbullies and cybershamers, and why it is crucial we handle each of them differently.

Learn powerful techniques to help protect ourselves and others from devastating online hostility.

Consider our own role in online aggression and discover ways to avoid the emotional contagion that permits ordinary people to publicly shame and deride strangers online.

    30+ Registrations!     



Cyberculture is offered in association with Cybermedia

Key topics:

The rise of trolls

Online trolls come in several varieties, some familiar and others surprising, but they all have one thing in common: they are much easier to dislodge than other types of cyberhaters. We'll look at who trolls are, who they target and why, and how to manage them effectively.


These days, online lynch mobs are free to shame anyone with a social media account. But what exactly is it that drives us to humiliate a complete stranger online? And how do we avoid becoming part of an online lynch mob ourselves?


Cyberbullying refers to online abuse among teenagers and children, although adults who harass children are also considered cyberbullies. Cyberbullying, unlike traditional bullying which is generally confined to school hours, continues 24/7/365. This relentless provocation affords its victims no safe refuge and often devastates them mentally and physically. This lesson looks at new ways to counter cyberbullying’s horrifying consequences and looks to a future where internet bullies no longer exist.


Cyberstalkers are the most dangerous and persistent type of online peril. Cyberstalkers are almost impossible to dislodge with conventional tactics and represent a formidable danger to the mental and physical health of their targets. To stop them we must discover who they are and why they behave as they do. When we understand a cyberstalker’s underlying motivation, we can take forceful steps to counter them.



We'll cover key focus areas:

1. Definition of cyberhate’s main features and perpetrators
2. Key aspects of troll psychology and behaviour
3. Crucial differences between trolls, cyberbullies, and cyberstalkers
4. Main characteristics of cybershaming
5. Underlying psychology of cyberbullying
6. Key tactics used by cyberbullies to harass their targets
7. Effects of cyberstalking on its victims
8. Most common cyberstalker tactics
9. The law and cyberhate in Australia
10. Design and implement powerful techniques for online protection



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