Revised Standards for RTOs - Resources Alignment

See the alignment indicator also on the landing page for each resource 

Overall Alignment

✅  Revised Standards for RTOs Internal Audit Tool


Outcome Standards
Relevant Resources
1. Training and assessment  Quality training and assessment engages VET students and enables them to attain nationally recognised, industry-relevant competencies.
Training  1.1 Training is engaging and well-structured and enables VET students to attain skills and knowledge consistent with the training product. ✅  Learning Resources Templates Pack
1.2 Effective engagement with industry, employer and/or community representatives informs the industry relevance of the training.  
Assessment 1.3 The assessment system is fit-for-purpose and consistent with the training product. ✅  Competency Mapping Tools
1.4 The assessment system ensures assessment is conducted in a fair and appropriate way and enables accurate judgements of VET student competency.

✅  Competency Mapping Tools

✅  Other Party (Workplace Supervisor) Report

✅  Work Placement Booklet

1.5 The assessment system is quality assured by appropriately skilled and credentialled people through a regular process of validating assessment practices and judgements. ✅  VET Personnel Requirements Pack 
1.6 VET students with prior skills, knowledge and competencies are supported to seek recognition of prior learning to progress through the training product.  
Credit transfer 1.7 VET students who have previously completed an equivalent training product are supported to have their training recognised.  
Facilities, equipment, and resources 1.8 Facilities, resources and equipment for each training product are fit-for-purpose, safe, accessible and sufficient. ✅  Work Placement Booklet
2. VET student support VET students are treated fairly and are properly informed, protected, and supported.
Information  2.1 VET students have access to clear and accurate information, including to make informed decisions about the training product and the RTO, and are made aware of changes that affect them. ✅  Australian Privacy Principles – Implementation Guide for RTOs
2.2 VET students are advised, prior to enrolment, about the suitability of the training product for them, taking into account their skills and competencies. ✅  Disability Standards for Education Internal Review Tool
Training support 2.3 VET students have reasonable access to training support services, teachers, trainers and assessors and other staff to support their progress through the training product.

✅  Disability Standards for Education Internal Review Tool

✅  Intervention Strategy Record

✅  Study Tips Guide

✅  Student Support Services Guide

2.4 Reasonable adjustments are made to support VET students with disability to access and participate in training and assessment on an equal basis. ✅  Disability Standards for Education Internal Review Tool
Diversity and inclusion 2.5 The learning environment promotes and supports the diversity of VET students. ✅  Disability Standards for Education Internal Review Tool
Wellbeing  2.6 The wellbeing needs of the VET student cohort are identified and strategies are put in place to support these needs.
Feedback, complaints, and appeals 2.7 Effective feedback and complaints management addresses concerns and informs continuous improvement.  
2.8 Effective appeal processes are available where decisions of the RTO or a third party adversely impact a VET student.  
3. VET Workforce  VET students are trained, assessed and supported by people who are qualified, skilled and committed to professional development.
VET workforce management 3.1 Effective workforce management ensures appropriate staffing to deliver the services.  
Trainer and assessor competencies 3.2 Training and assessment is delivered by credentialled people with current skills and knowledge in training and assessment. 

✅  VET Personnel Requirements Pack

✅  VET Professional Development Series

✅  Working Under Direction Pack

3.3 Training and assessment is delivered by people with current industry skills and knowledge relevant to the training product.

✅  VET Personnel Requirements Pack

✅  Working Under Direction Pack

4. Governance Effective governance and a commitment to continuous improvement supports the quality and integrity of VET delivery.
Leadership and accountability  4.1 The RTO operates with integrity and is accountable for the delivery of quality services. ✅  Strategic Planning Tool 
4.2 Roles and responsibilities are clearly defined and understood.  
Risk management 4.3 Risks to VET students, staff and the RTO are identified and managed.

✅  Intervention Strategy Record

✅  Australian Privacy Principles – Implementation Guide for RTOs

Continuous improvement 4.4 The RTO undertakes systematic monitoring and evaluation to support the delivery of quality services and continuous improvement.