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Assessment Pack



Assessment - #1 area of compliance risk! Move to a best practice approach

Ensure your RTO has a robust approach!


The Assessment Pack is designed to assist RTOs in developing and implementing a robust assessment system, assessment tools & practices in line with the regulatory framework.

Over 300 pages of example policy and template documentation to assist RTOs to implement improved assessment practices! The resource is provided in MS Word format for ease of customisation and use in your RTO.


  260+  previous purchasers


25% Discount! for VET PD Series subscribers - Use your Voucher Code when registering!


vetr’s Assessment Pack includes 40+ templates:

 Assessment Policy 
Validation Policy 
 Appeals Policy 
 Validation Program
 Appeals Register  
 Appeals Record 
 Unpacking a Unit of Competency - 2012 (Current) Format - Template 
 Unpacking a Unit of Competency - Pre 2012 UoC Format - Template 
Assessment Tool - Whole Tool Template 

 Recognition (RPL) Tool - Whole Tool Template 
 Assessor Guide Template 
 Assessment Plan 
 Observation - Assessment Task Template 
 Observation & Interview - Assessment Task Template 
 Other Party Observation Report Template 
 Product - Assessment Task Template 
 Product & Interview - Assessment Task Template 
 Questioning - Assessment Task Template 
 Work Placement Booklet Template 
 Final Assessment - Record of Outcome 
 Competency Mapping - Assessment Tool - 2012 (Current) Format - Template 
 Competency Mapping - Assessment Tool - Pre 2012 UoC Format - Template 
 Assessment Tool Trial Report
 Assessment Tool Validation Report 
 Assessment Judgement Validation Report 
 Assessor Observation Evaluation Checklist 
 Assessment Monitoring Checklist 
 RPL Monitoring Checklist 
 Validation Monitoring Checklist 
 Performance and Outcome Monitoring - Assessment
 Performance and Outcome Monitoring - Complaints and Appeals Processes
 Performance and Outcome Monitoring - Validation

 Internal Audit Tool - Assessment Processes 
 Internal Audit Tool - Complaints and Appeals Processes 
 Stakeholder Survey - Assessment 
 Stakeholder Survey - Assessors - Assessment Judgements 
 Stakeholder Survey - Complaint Appeal Post-resolution 
 Stakeholder Survey - Complaints Appeals 
 Validation Reflection 


Watch an Overview of the Pack


Dodge the pitfalls!

Avoid these common assessment audit non-compliances:

  • Poor assessment instructions.
  • Inconsistent benchmark marking guidance.
  • Inappropriate assessment approaches.
  • Ineffective mapping.
  • Issues with other party evidence collection.
  • Lack of trialling or validation of your tools.
  • Don't even mention RPL...

Once purchased, all updates are free, ongoing!

Version 2 has minor updates aligned with ASQA's guidance in the DRAFT - Practice Guide - Facilities resources and equipment.

This resource pack has been renamed from Assessment Tools Templates Pack.


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