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Disability Standards for Education Internal Review Tool



The Disability Standards for Education seek to ensure that students with disability can access and participate in education on the same basis as other students.

On the same basis means that a student with disability must have opportunities and choices which are comparable with those offered to students without disability. This applies to:

  • Admission or enrolment;
  • Participation in courses or programs;
  • Use of facilities and services.

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The Standards clarify the obligations of RTOs, and the rights of people with disability, under the Disability Discrimination Act 1992 (Cth). They are referenced directly in a number of state jurisdiction funding contracts for RTOs; with compliance also required under the Standards for RTOs.

Under the Disability Standards for Education, RTOs have three main types of obligations.
RTOs must:

  • Consult;
  • Make reasonable adjustments; and
  • Eliminate harassment and victimisation.


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The Disability Standards for Education Internal Review Tool  has been developed to support RTOs to unpack and confirm their operational compliance to the Standards requirements.

The resource includes;

 Disability Standards for Education
 Student rights and RTO responsibilities
 Example Consultation Record
 Example Disability Discrimination Action Plan

This resource runs for 24 pages of key compliance information, and is provided in MS Word format. The checklist will easily integrated within an RTOs implementation requirements and ongoing internal review activities.


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