Study Tips Guide
The provision of study support and study skills programs to all students is a critical educational and support service for any college operation.
The Study Tips Guide assists VET providers with a first step in these services in providing a handy ready-to-use guide on common study strategies for vocational students.
160+ previous purchasers
The Study Tips Guide includes general information on:
Effective study skills
Time management strategies
Motivation for study
Thinking techniques
Preparing for assessment
Referencing and plagiarism basics
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This useful resource is provided as a 10 page A4 booklet and is packaged as:
- Ready to use / print PDF booklet, with professional graphic design;
- Adobe Indesign (INDD) files for editing, customisation and commercial printing of the professional graphic design version if desired;
- Canvas design file for editing, customisation & commercial printing of the professional graphic design version if desired. Add your logo, easily change colours, fonts etc; and
- Text content also in MS Word format for colleges wishing to include the information in other formats or publications such as using on a website, blog or regular tips emails to students!
View sample pages from the Guide
The resource is provided available to reprint and reproduce as needed and is easily integrated within a college’s initial or ongoing information package and resources support for students at all vocational course levels.