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VET Marketing Essentials

Purchase for $27.50 (AUD) incl. GST

Implement robust & effective marketing practices

Register now for this short video micro learning update on marketing concepts & practices in the Australian vocational education & training sector.

A great overview or refresher for VET practitioner currency!

Free! for VET PD Series subscribers - Register via your vetr portal dashboard.

60 minutes in duration.

  240+  course registrations 

What we cover...

  Overview of marketing requirements for VET Providers

  How does Australian Consumer Law apply?

  Telemarketing considerations

  What about our website & social media?

  Strategies for marketing success

  Effectively monitoring & managing collateral, approvals & practices 

  Key tips & tricks for ongoing compliance!

Clear & concise
Information designed to help RTO's understand their compliance needs
Very easy to access

Very useful information
Participant feedback

Confirm your understanding of current terms, definitions & requirements.

 A Statement of Completion is available on completion of course activities.


Vocational Training including Competency-Based Training

  • The Vocational Education & Training Sector
    • Work within the VET policy framework


Here is the course outline:

VET Marketing Essentials

1 hr, 12 min

Further vocational education resources

3 min


The following statements are received when the course is completed:

Statement of Completion
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