Master Trainer Series
Transform your training delivery & the outcomes you achieve!
Gain instant access to exclusive Laurie Kelly’s Brain Friendly Training videos in this Annual Subscription! Learn the different tips, secrets, and techniques that will dramatically improve your learning environment and teaching methods – 80+ videos full access immediately for one year!
Over 7 hours of video based tips, tricks and training strategies.
Main Takeaways:
- Gain instant access to all of Laurie Kelly’s Brain Friendly Training videos
- 80+ Exclusive, Short Video Clips from Australia’s renowned training guru
- Dramatically improve trainer skills, and staff engagement
- Video focus on both face-to-face and online delivery!
A Subscription Certificate is issued on commencing the subscription and a Statement of Completion is issued on completion of all video replays!
Why Should You Learn Brain Friendly Techniques?
This is What Will You Learn:
- Critical techniques needed for every situation
- How to create powerful lesson overviews
- How to teach using all the senses to maximise learning
- How to deliver the lessons that engages all of your learners’ brains
- Range of strategies and activities to keep students awake
- How to unlock the potential of the students’ minds throughout every lesson
- How to use sound, word, visuals, and movement to ensure your students are engaged
- How to keep your learners engaged and attentive throughout your lesson
- Powerful ways to spark your learners’ curiosity
- How to design and deliver lessons that feel personally real, relevant, and useful
- How to maximise students’ learning of skills and knowledge
- Techniques to improve the learning environment and teaching methods
- How to schedule revisions
- Most common strategies for every educator
- How to execute your learning environment
- How to improve your classroom management and presentation skills
- Why teaching students with the same method is a mistake every educator makes
- Students will easily recall every lesson
- A “great” educator is better that an “ordinary” teacher
- Methods that ensure your learners are always in a perfect, engaged, and “ready to learn” state
- You can be one of the few powerful and gifted educators around the world
- Simple techniques that can dramatically transform your students’ engagement
- Every lessons should “stick” with the students
- Engagement and attention are everything
- “Keeping it real” while training and teaching ensures that learners are deeply engaged
- A great educator needs to master simple skills to make the learning environment interesting and fun
- As an educator, managing the classroom and students is a big deal
About Laurie...
Laurie Kelly is a specialist in Brain-Friendly Training and Delivery Skills that excite and engage the learner. This has been his passion and area of expertise for over 30 years, and this focus is drawn from his wealth of experience, his love for his subject and his ability to rekindle enthusiasm and passion in even the most weary of Educators.
Laurie Kelly’s primary aim is to make great Professional Development available to all trainers anywhere, at any time, through both his face-to-face training and a blended delivery online model. His Professional Development is about engagement and learning in a brain friendly way. He and his team endeavour to assist Trainers, Educators and Facilitators to understand the power of including current Neuro research in the delivery of their material, so that Learners learn quickly and the Learning sticks. Other groups offer Professional Development in assessment and validation - we offer exciting, fun and brain-based techniques that allow you to deliver any content in a brain friendly and engaging way, using simple, practical ideas that work. Your training will never be the same again.
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Note that at the end of your first year subscription, you will receive an advisory for cancellation 30 days prior to auto-renewal of your subscription.
Series Overview
Month 1
- Visual Overview “What are we going to do?” Firstly, tell them in a different way. Give them the BIG picture. To truly engage learners from the start you need to give them the big picture and an overview. This video gives you a brain friendly alternative way of doing this, as opposed to the usual PowerPoint slide with the typed-up bullet point Expectations and Learning Outcomes. It is a powerful explanation of the journey on which this library of videos is going to take you.
- Are Your Learners in a state ready to learn? You may be ready to teach, but are they ready to learn? The principle of actively planning to engage learners and have them in a Resourceful Learning State is vital for true brain friendly delivery. As educators, it is incumbent upon us to plan activities that will assist learners to be mentally and attitudinally ready to learn. Understanding this principle is vital for great delivery and successful learning.
- Using Playing Cards Simple ways to involve all your students! A simple pack of playing cards has huge potential as an engagement tool. As simple as these are, they have great uses in the training room to engage and motivate your students. This video is full of practical ideas on how you might use playing cards to generate fun and involvement. Your students’ brains will love you for it.
- Masking Tape – great training tool Use this technique to find out ‘Who’s Who in the Zoo’! Here is a simple tool that quickly allows the Educator to understand who is in their group. You can ask any question and get an immediate result, both visually for yourself, and also for all the participants. Maybe you want to know what experience they each have; or to help them to articulate what they would like from the training. You ask the question, and they commit to the answer.
Month 2
- VAKT Part 1 Identify and use all our ways of learning! Learn from a position of strength. This video explores the four perceptual styles of Visual, Auditory, Kinesthetic and Tactile learners; and advocates that we aim to identify our main system when learning. We should then lead with this one, but to really extend and entrench learning, we need to use all four together. As educators we need to use all four in our delivery. This video helps to explain these perceptual styles so you, in turn, can explain them to your students.
- Memory Challenge Yes, you can remember a list of random words! It’s called pushing the grey matter. If you are prepared to actively participate in the fun offered by this video, you will blow your mind with the amount of information you can recall. Be aware you may need to close the door of your office. This video demonstrates the power of using all four Perceptual Styles together (VAKT).
- VAKT Round Robin Get all your group to share their ideas – not just the confident ones! Brainstorming is only one way to get groups thinking and sharing ideas. Very often it is nowhere near as good as we think it is. This video introduces you to a technique called the ‘Noisy Round Robin’. It harnesses the thoughts of everyone in the room, not just the confident few. Ways to engage all perceptual styles (VAKT) is the topic, and 82 ideas is the answer, in 8 minutes of work.
- Unlocking the Brains Potential You can help all your participants learn successfully! The greatest gift an educator can give a learner is the power to unlock their learning potential. This video outlines the five Principles of Brain Friendly Learning you will incorporate in your delivery, which will empower learners to reignite their passion to learn. This video outlines the principles behind this series of videos on Brain Friendly Training.
Month 3
- Early Engagement Part 1 Are your students ready to learn? This first video clip on Early Engagement explains how important it is to get students mentally present and ready to learn. It talks about the five key states to assist the Brain to learn. The first few minutes of any workshop are essential to set the scene; in particular, you want to determine that this training will be different and exciting. You will then have the mental engagement of your learners.
- Early Engagement Part 2 Get them early and get them quick! This second video on Early Engagement builds on part 1 and goes through several ideas which, when used in the first 5 to 6 minutes of your session, will grab both the learners’ interest and curiosity so that they come mentally into the room and ready to learn instantly.
- Keeping it Real Part 1 Make your training “Real, Relevant and Useful”! This is what people are hungering for from training and education. This principle of brain friendly training is vital for engagement and transfer into the workplace. It does have to be planned for, and then successfully implemented. There are three modules that suggest things you would need to do in the design phase — before the event, during the event and post the event — to achieve this. In this first module we will look at practical things you can do before the workshop to ensure great transfer of new skills back into the workplace.
- Flipped Classroom Set the Brain up First – then teach! Flipped classrooms are a fantastic innovation to set the Brain up first for the understanding of theory and before practical classes. They are simple and easy for both yourself to produce and your students to learn using the resources today’s technology offers. In this video Laurie explains what they are and how to develop them with your own with your content.
Month 4
- Keeping it Real Part 2 Do it to make your training Real, Relevant and Useful! Model your training on good driver education. Training can’t be just a talk-fest — it must be experienced to be understood. Be clear that your students need to ‘experience’, not just ‘know’, the theory for real and sustainable learning to occur.
- Keeping it Real Part 3 Real-time transfer to make your training “Real, Relevant and Useful”. The training has finished but the real learning is about to start. This module is about how you can set up support for the learner after the event. It is full of ideas that reinforce the learning and assist the learner to cement the information that they have learned in the formal training environment and then transfer this into their workplace.
- Left & Right Brain Why our brain may influence our learning! Whilst we no longer talk about Left and Right Brain dominant learners because of recent studies in brain plasticity, this video module looks at Left and Right Brain tendencies. It is still extremely useful to look at Left and Right brain thinking and tendencies, as this has real implications for educators in the training environment. This video will help educators explain to their students some of the experiences they may have had in their schooling; and indeed, may very well be a liberation for them in their thinking about their own potential as learners.
- Global Learners Global Learners Rule – identify and give them what they need! This group is waiting to be blown out of the water. Global Learners are the biggest group of Learners but are the ones left behind by the traditional education system. There are some simple things you can do to really engage them and have them raving about their learning experience. This video will show you how to make your content relevant to Global Learners.
Month 5
- Managing the Room Who’s in charge in your training room? The training room atmosphere can help to make or break a presentation. Don’t be a victim of somebody else’s limited imagination. Here are heaps of suggestions to make even the most challenging training environment come alive, for both your learners’ brains and for your ownership and confidence.
- Managing Time Are you staying on time? Time is precious in today’s training world. We are being asked to put more and more information into a shrinking amount of time. This video is full of practical ideas to get your class started on time, back from the breaks on time, and keeping yourself honest with your own use of time.
- Managing Nerves “How could you be nervous after all the experience you have had?” This video explores what happens in our brains when we are anxious or stressed. It suggests activities that you can do as an educator to calm your own nerves, and then also how you might assist your own students with theirs.
- Building Inner Strength Do you own your space ‘up front’ when delivering? Powerful presentations are about techniques as much as content. Public speaking is one of the biggest fears most adults can experience; yet in reality your audience wants you to do well, to engage them, and to offer relevant information. We might have awesome content and ideas, but this can be lost if we are nervous and lose the moment with poor delivery. This video covers several simple techniques to maintain positive self-talk, powerful body posture and positioning, control of nerves, and ideas to give you a presence amongst your peers.
Month 6
- Caution when using Power Point Beware the risks with overuse of PowerPoint! This video alerts you to these dangers and gives you ideas of how you can make your PowerPoints work for the Learner, to complement and enhance the Learning.
- Expect the unexpected Make your training fun and interesting! The Brain is naturally curious and loves fun. This video is full of ideas to stimulate the Brain’s good adrenalins (noradrenaline) so that your students are alert and having fun, whilst not quite knowing what is coming next. You will have fun yourself watching learners loving being a part of your training and them telling others how good it was.
- Prior Knowledge What do they know already? The Principles of Adult Learning say that you need to build on ‘existing knowledge’. That’s fine, but how do you know what they know already? This video suggests some simple, engaging activities to use so that the Educator can quickly gauge the room and glean an understanding of what the students are thinking, and where the Educator needs to take them.
- Universal Experiences Help your students ‘get’ new info! By telling a story, or using a metaphor, new knowledge will become more alive and impactful if it is built around a Universal experience that your students can relate to. As stated before with regards Brain science and adult Learning Principles — if we can link our teaching to previous learning or experiences, it can facilitate a quicker understanding of concepts, leading to more powerful retention. The use of Universals in our delivery is the wire that makes connections.
- Conscious Convincers Experience and feel the concepts yourself! This is one of the most powerful teaching tools we have. Conscious Convincers (a) involve the student actually experiencing concepts within their own bodies first, (b) provide a ‘WOW’ experience, and then (c) make learners hungry for, and receptive to, the theory. Be prepared to experience this yourself during this video and have fun doing it.
Month 7
- Influencing State with Auditory Activities Can your learner hear you? Influencing a great learning State using activities with an Auditory Bias — this is the first of four videos on how to influence the Learner’s State and looks specifically at activities that can be run focusing on Auditory learners. All training needs to address all perceptual styles, and this will be expanded on in the subsequent videos to follow.
- Influencing State with Visual Activities A picture paints a thousand words! This video highlights the importance of catering to the Visual needs of learners and gives six very practical ways to assist your Learners with a Visual bias.
- Influencing State with Kinesthetic Activities Get them up and get them moving! This is the key to engaging learners with a Kinesthetic bias. This video gives various ways to get ‘K’s into a resourceful learning state with actions and words. You will also be introduced to the activity of the Spinning Wheel, a great, interactive sharing activity.
- Influencing State with Tactile Activities ‘Tactiles’ need to fiddle to learn! Tactile learners need to fiddle or manipulate with their hands to help keep their minds open and alert and their brains busy working. It is very helpful (for these types of learners) if you can provide objects for them to touch and handle. This video will give you some practical ideas of how others have done this for their Tactile students.
Month 8
- Use Language to Influence Use language to persuade! Learn to use language to covertly get things done. There are words and phrases that we can use to get things done, whilst moving someone from a ‘passive’ to an ‘active’ State.
- Embedded Commands Use language that assumes success! Here is another great linguistic skill that can subconsciously build the learner’s confidence. Training is successful if it leads to action, and embedded commands are a great way to assist this transfer.
- Revisions Part 1 How to revise – easy methods to use! There is a secret in how to revise and build retention for your students. This video explains the revision timetable that embeds learning in the brain quickly and for long term retention. It also has six practical ways to make revision fun and enjoyable for your group, and they will not even know they are revising.
- Revisions Part 2 Let’s look back and ‘Revise the Revision’! In this module we will revise the ideas shared in Revisions Part 1, and explain three more very useful activities to engage learners in revision — and again they will have no idea that this is what they are doing!
- How to Study Can your students study? Many students must still study for, and then sit, examinations. Yet very few students have been taught how to study using their unique learning approach. This video introduces you to six practical approaches you might use yourself or share with your students.
Month 9
- Rich and Multi-Sensory There is more than one way to ‘skin a cat’! Mono-sensory makes no sense. If we train using a multi-sensory approach we assist students to store information in a multitude of sensory cortexes, so that they have a wide range of areas of the brain to call on when they have to retrieve that information. Be prepared to experience an example of this multi-sensory approach in this video.
- Minimise Learners Anxiety Part 1 How to understand and keep stress at bay! This video explains the chemical reactions happening in the brain when we are stressed. By helping students to access and utilise their clear-thinking pre-frontal cortex, we help to make it easier for them to learn. It also explains why it is essential in our design phase to look at ways to lower anxiety levels to facilitate and elevate our participants’ potential to learn quickly and confidently.
- Minimise Learners Anxiety Part 2 Keep them clear and keep them learning – helping students utilize their clear-thinking pre-frontal cortex! This second video builds on the earlier Part 1. and it also complements the video on ‘Managing Nerves’. It is full of practical things you can do as an educator to lower anxiety levels for your students, so that they can engage their clear-thinking brains and learn more successfully – thereby saving you time and repeated instructions.
- Doing vs Consuming It can’t be a talk fest. This is a very important principle in Brain Friendly Training when we aim to help learners form patterns in their brain which they can call upon when they need to recall information. The aim of the training game should be to continually place the ball in the learner’s court. This video also suggests ideas on how we can get the learners using their smart phones as teaching tools.
Month 10
- Managing groups Changing Groups to share the love! One of the most challenging things we fear as trainers is to ask students to change groups, yet it is one of the most powerful ways to encourage networking, good independent thinking and to maintain energy in the room. This video not only explains why changing groups is important, but gives you 7 practical, different and fun ways to do it, which will immediately get your students on-board and having fun while they change groups.
- Difficult People Part 1 How do you deal with ‘difficult’ participants? Maintaining your own balance is the key. Very often we allow the difficult behaviour of others to throw off our energy and focus. This is the very time we need to have confidence that we know our information; that we have done the necessary preparation, and we only need to keep our thinking clear. This video talks about keeping ourselves focused and on point, and how to address what may be seen as challenging behaviour.
- Difficult People Part 2 Don’t become the victim of negative energy vampires! All too often trainers agonise over the difficult learner and allow their own energy to be dissipated. Here are some ideas to help understand why people’s behaviour can appear to be difficult in a training environment, and what you might be able to do to turn their energy around.
- Feedback You need to give feedback! Feedback should never be about being right or wrong. Good feedback is about a generosity of spirit in assisting someone to move forward. It must always be based on clearly established expectations, not subjective observations that are never explained. This video clip is an excellent start for anyone wanting to develop helpful and relevant feedback skills.
Months 11 & 12 (Review!)
- Planning Vocational Training
- Plan vocational training
- Design a plan for vocational training
- Facilitating Training
- Plan and prepare for vocational training
- Customise vocational training
- Develop session plans for vocational training
- Deliver face-to-face vocational training
- Review vocational training practice
- Supporting Learning
- Support individual and group learning