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Exploring Numeracy in our Everyday Lives

Purchase for $65.00 (AUD) incl. GST

What works professional learning series workshop 4: Exploring numeracy in our everyday lives

This workshop replay recorded in May 2022 explores numeracy embedded in everyday life such as cooking, gardening, health management – including concepts such as measurement, fractions etc.

ALA's What Works Professional Learning Series focuses on adult numeracy teaching practice.

This eight-part online professional learning series brings together experts in adult numeracy education to explore effective numeracy teaching for adults – with a strong emphasis on fun and engagement. Each session is co-facilitated by Ros Bauer and Jo Medlin with presentations from a combination of expert presenters, addressing how to teach a particular aspect of numeracy, covering different mathematical content areas and strategies to use in individual, small or whole group work.

Overall the series:

  • Provides a practical framework for teaching numeracy
  • Create critical connections between literacy, maths and language
  • Provides strategies and resources that will enhance numeracy teaching practice
  • Explores dimensions of numeracy for work and life

1 hour in duration.

Investment: $65.00 inc GST.

10% discount! for VET PD Series subscribers - Use your Voucher Code when registering!

    5+ Registrations!     


Ros Bauer - Facilitator

Ros has extensive experience in adult education as a language literacy numeracy practitioner. She was the winner of the 2013 Australian Training Awards Excellence in Adult Language Literacy and Numeracy Practice and a recipient of an Executive Fellowship through the Australian Endeavour Awards that included a professional learning experience in Scandinavia. Ros has worked as part of the NT LLN Network Group and an educational consultant to the Warlpiri Youth Development Aboriginal Corporation. She is currently Head of Department – Career Pathways, Aboriginal Languages & Employability Skills at TAFE NSW.


Jo Medlin - Facilitator

Jo is an adult literacy and numeracy (LN) advocate. Currently her advocacy work centres on her role as President of the Australian Council for Adult Literacy (ACAL). This includes being the ACAL representative on the DESE Foundation Skills Advisory Committee, The Reading Writing Hotline, The Education IRC, and a judge for the Australian Training Awards (LLN category). Jo works as a consultant, specialising in resource development, PD and teaching. This year she also worked with SBS on the documentary Lost for Words where she co-taught adult LN learners and devised an intensive nine-week student-centred learning program.


Dave Tout - Expert presenter

Dave is a Senior Research Fellow in numeracy and mathematics at the Australian Council for Educational Research (ACER). He is an experienced LLN educator who is particularly interested in making mathematics relevant, interesting and fun for all learners, especially those disengaged from mathematics. He has worked in schools, TAFEs, community providers, universities, industry and national education organisations, and has written many numeracy and mathematics teaching, assessment and professional development resources for youth and adults, including curriculum for the CGEA, VCE and VCAL in Victoria. He is an author of the Australian Core Skills Framework (ACSF). Dave is also chair of the Numeracy Expert Group for the OECD’s international survey of adult skills (PIAAC) and is an appointed member of the Education IRC which is responsible for the TAE and the FSK Training Packages.


A Statement of Participation is issued on completion of replay activities.




  • Language, Literacy & Numeracy
    • Identify employability skill demands
    • Identify integrated foundation skill resources, strategies, and advice
    • Identify learner and candidate employability skill support needs



The following statements are received when the course is completed:

ALA Statement of Participation
ALA Statement of Participation
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