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Determining Training Durations: How-To!

Purchase for $27.50 (AUD) incl. GST

Volume of Learning, Amount of Training, Nominal Hours - How is all of this applied?

Register now for a detailed look at Volume of Learning & Amount of Training in this digital video course on determining training durations for your courses.

We explore these key concepts and how to apply these with course examples - how to be sure you can justify your pedagogical rationale & decisions in setting standard course durations for your courses.

Explore the interrelated nature of Volume of Learning, Amount of Training, Nominal Hours and services delivery approaches as you structure your course offerings & document robust Training & Assessment Strategies.

Free! for VET PD Series subscribers - Register via your vetr portal dashboard.

45 minutes in duration.

  470+  course registrations

What we'll cover

  Volume of Learning - expectations & how to apply

  Amount of Training - expectations & how to apply

  Nominal hours - are these relevant?

  Tips & tricks for your courses, with various real course examples

 Whole presentation was excellent
I found this invaluable
Clear & easily read & understood
I really appreciated the key take away points
One of the best I've viewed in a while
Clear explanations of the difference between Amount of Training, Nominal Hours & Volume of Learning
Addressed the complexities by breaking it down into definitions, sections and easy to apply 'formulas'
Enthusiastic & informative Trainer that clearly articulated main points & concepts & provides excellent real life examples
Clear & concise, easy to understand
Very informative session - thank you.
Time well spent
I really enjoyed it & I really like the examples that have been given

It addressed the complexities by breaking it down into definitions, sections & easy to apply 'formulas'
I especially like the 'myth busting' polls upfront
Enthusiastic & informative Trainer that clearly articulated main points & concepts & provided excellent real life examples
Great and useful training & an enthusiastic and engaging trainer - thank you

Participant feedback


Confirm your understanding of current terms, definitions & requirements.

 A Statement of Completion is available on completion of course activities.



Vocational Training including Competency-Based Training

  • The Vocational Education & Training Sector
    • Work within the VET policy framework
    • Analyse and interpret the qualifications framework
    • Analyse and interpret units of competency and accredited modules
  • Designing Training
    • Define the parameters of the learning program
    • Interpret learning environment and delivery requirements
    • Design the structure of the learning program

Vocational Learning

  • Supporting Learning
    • Interpret learning environment and delivery requirements


    Here is the course outline:

    Key terms & definitions

    19 min

    Delivery structure & approach

    38 min

    Further vocational education resources

    3 min


    The following statements are received when the course is completed:

    Statement of Completion
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