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VIC Skills First Implementation Pack



The VIC Skills First Implementation Pack  has been designed to assist RTOs in identifying all contractual requirements and implement robust arrangements in RTO operations.

The Implementation Pack includes:

 Student Advice & Pre-Training Review Policy
 Pre-Training Review Record Form
 VIC Skills First Student Declaration Form
 Child Safety Policy, aligned to new Victorian Child Safe Standards requirements
 Skills First Quality Charter – Statement of Commitment
 CEO Statement
 Evidence Policy
 Fees & Refunds Policy
 Statement of Fees
 Third Party Partnerships Policy
 Apprenticeships & Traineeships Policy
 Marketing Policy
Application for Enrolment Form Template
Induction Record Template
Incident Report Template

And for online training providers
 Online Service Standards
 Online Learning WCAG 2.0 Internal Review Tool

25% Discount! for VET PD Series subscribers - Use your Voucher Code when registering!


  110+  previous purchasers


Version 13 of the resource has been updated for VIC 2024 - 2025 Skills First Standard VET Funding Contract & related compliance documentation.

Version 12 of the resource has been updated for additional 2023 eligibility amendments.

Version 11 of the resource has been updated for minor eligibility form amendments.

Version 10  of the resource has been updated for referencing & minor amendments for Victorian Skills First 2023 Contract Framework.

Version 9.3 of the resource has been updated for the amended DEWR referenced in VET Provider Collection Specifications (Enrolment Privacy Notice).

Version 9.3 of the resource has been updated for the new 2022 Victorian Child Safe Standards.

Version 9.2  of the resource has been updated for referencing & minor amendments for Victorian Skills First Expansion of eligibility for the Asylum Seeker VET program.

Version 9.1  of the resource has been updated for referencing & minor amendments for Victorian Eligibility Guidelines.

Version 9 of the resource has been updated for referencing for Victorian Skills First 2022 Contract amendments.


Over 70 pages of example documentation and templates assisting RTOs to meet the VIC Skills First requirements.

The resource is provided in MS Word format for ease of customisation and use in your RTO.


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