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NSW Smart & Skilled Implementation Pack



The NSW Smart & Skilled framework requires a significant review and amendment of RTO operating policies, procedures and practices to meet contractual requirements.

The NSW Smart & Skilled Implementation Pack  has been designed to assist RTOs in identifying all contractual requirements and implement robust arrangements in RTO operations.

The NSW Smart & Skilled Implementation Support Pack includes:

 Access & Equity Policy, also addressing Disability Education Standards 2005 requirements
 Apprenticeships & Traineeships Policy
 APP Privacy Policy, addressing Australian Privacy Principles requirements
 Child Safety Policy
 Consumer Protection Policy
 Continuing Professional Development Policy
 Recognition of Prior Learning Policy
 Fees & Refunds Policy
 NSW Smart Skilled Student Consent, Application Eligibility Assessment Form
 Deferring Transferring Discontinuing Form
 RTO Estimator, to support RTOs in meeting requirement to develop their own process for tracking Standard Subsidies against their relevant Financial Cap
Student Course Fees Agreement
Marketing Policy
Student Advice and Selection Policy

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  110+  previous purchasers


Version 13 of the resource has been updated for requirements from other jurisidictional contracts.

Version 12.1 of the resource has been updated for the new 2022 Victorian Child Safe Standards.

Version 12 of the resource has been updated for minor amendments in the NSW Smart & Skilled 2021/22 Contract and Operating Guidelines.

Version 11 of the resource has been updated for requirements of the NSW Skilling for Recovery Initiative.

Version 10.2 of the resource has been updated for amendments in the NSW Smart & Skilled 2020/21 Contract and Operating Guidelines.

Version 10.1 of the resource has been amended for NSW Fee Free Traineeship arrangements.

Version 10 of the resource has been amended for NSW Smart & Skilled 2019/20 Contract, Operating Guidelines and policy positions.


Over 130 pages of example documentation to assist RTOs to meet the NSW Smart & Skilled requirements.

The resource is provided in MS Word format for ease of customisation and use in your RTO, and is available now in digital format.


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