We do cover a lot!
Here's a quick listing of items covered on each of the past Compliance over Coffee live show episodes - now available via replay to all VET PD Series subscribers on an ongoing basis!
Next Show - Monday 28 October 2024, 12.30pm AEDT (Sydney, Melbourne)
Starting Topic: Revised SRTO - Top 5 Gaps for RTOs to address
Special Edition! - Compliance over Coffee: October 2024 - Items covered...
Revised Standards for RTOs release!
Strategic Execution Plan for standards implementation
Compliance over Coffee: September 2024 - Items covered...
Special Guest: Chris Enright, Director RTO Logic
Preparing for the revised Standards for RTOs
Updates of the month
How do you think the International Education caps will work in practice?
The lastest ASQA IQ says Fit & proper Person decs must be completed 'regularly'?
Compliance over Coffee: August 2024 - Items covered...
Special Guest: Ian Whitehouse, MD Digital Coaching & Consultancy
Strategic reset opportunities the shift in all things VET
Updates of the month
How are work placement requirements addressed when delivering offshore?
+ Takeaways
Example Right to Disconnect Policy
Casual Conversion Templates
Compliance over Coffee: July 2024 - Items covered...
Special Guest: Coleen Rivas, Raspberry Training and Consulting
Transition Tips!
How do we confirm that transitions are effective?
Updates of the month
New Apprentice Connect Australia Providers (ACAPs), changes to employer incentives & new "Assessment Services" prior to signup.
+ Takeaways
Example Transitions Checklist & Transition of Training Products Policy Statement
Compliance over Coffee: May 2024 - Items covered...
AUS Budget 2024-25
VET Reform - Summary of Status
What are the employer incentive changes coming in July 1?
Should Compliance officers and Trainers be filling the FPP?
Why does completion data take so long to get?
Students in VET are extensively using ChatGPT to generate answers and it is very evident that it is not their own work. In terms of maintaining academic integrity what should be the advise provided to students by RTOs?
Compliance over Coffee: April 2024 - Items covered...
Support Strategies for Online Students - ASQA's Checklist.
Updates for the month.
+ Takeaways
Example Considerations for Support Strategies for Online Students Checklist
Compliance over Coffee: March 2024 - Items covered...
Special Guest: Angela McGregor, RTO Consulting
Legal & Ethical Issues for Trainers & Assessors
Updates of the Month
Top tips for those applying for re-registration?
Compliance over Coffee: February 2024 - Items covered...
Verify, Certify, Authenticate.
Updates for the month.
Early changes to the SRTOs.
New Integrity Measures Bill.
With the early changes to the SRTO, does an "Education" Degree mean it must be in Adult education and/or VET?
+ Takeaways
Confirmation of Documentation Procedure
Compliance over Coffee: January 2024 - Items covered...
Special Guest: Carmel Guy, EDministrate
Effective Planning for 2024!
Updates for the month.
Clause 3.2 in the draft standards refer to the "Credential Policy" when outlining the TAE qualification requirements for trainers/assessors. Has a Credential Policy been made available yet?
+ Takeaways
Start of the Year Checklist - EDministrate
Compliance over Coffee: December 2023 - Items covered...
Special Guest: Kerri Buttery, Digital Literacy Licence
Reform Ready!
Engaging an RTO Consultant.
Updates for the month.
When will all the new Standards and requirements come into force?
Compliance over Coffee: November 2023 - Items covered...
Top tips - Competency Mapping
Recording Industry Release / Placement
2024 VET Professional Development Survey results
Updates for the Month
What level of detail needs to be mapped?
Have you ever seen a Certificate awarded with the outcome being listed as exempt? To give some context the qualification was issued by an Australian RTO.
What industry release ideas could you suggest for a TAE trainer?
+ Takeaways
Industry Placement Report
Competency Mapping - Assessment Tool
Compliance over Coffee: October 2023 - Items covered...
Top tips for effective complaints management
Updates for the month
Draft revised SRTO paper
There's not much about marketing in the new SRTO?
How should we start to prepare for the Revised SRTO?
Is there word on the release of the 'Credential Policy' and 'Compliance Requirements' documents?
How can an RTO complete the evidencing survey accurately without the credential policy and compliance requirements? or does the survey inform the development of these docs?
+ Takeaways
Better Practice Complaint-Handling for Education Providers - Commonwealth Overseas Students Ombudsman
Student Information – What to do if you have a concern
Compliance over Coffee: September 2023 - Items covered...
Conducting Services Reviews
Updates for the month
How will the new National Skills Passport work?
I saw something online about ASQA asking people to dob in providers?
Can a trainer still train with the TAE40110 with the two additional units or do they need a TAE40116
When RTO enter into a third-party agreement with another RTO (for training and assessment), who does validation of tools and judgements? Principle RTO or third-party RTO?
+ Takeaways
Services Review Schedule
Services Review Report
Compliance over Coffee: August 2023 - Items covered...
RTO Operational Reporting
Updates for the month
For units of competency that require renewal (e.g. CPR, first aid), is it best to use a 51 outcome or to retrain and issue a 20 outcome? Retraining would assure that the student has the most up-to-date knowledge.
VET Workforce/Blueprint - Who/What part of industry represents VET practitioners?
+ Takeaways
Learning ROI / Success Measures
RTO Operational Benchmark Survey Summary Report
Compliance over Coffee: July 2023 - Items covered...
Revisiting work skill instruction - Gagne's 9 events of instruction.
AI - ChatGPT & Gamma.App
Updates for the month
When is there going to be a JSC for TAE?
+ Takeaways
Gagne's 9 Events of Instruction
Compliance over Coffee: June 2023 - Items covered...
Providing student feedback!
Do you have to give feedback on all student work, assessments?
Updates for the month
Is TAE40116 deemed equivalent to the latest TAE40122?
+ Takeaways
How to Give Awesome Feedback Flyer
Compliance over Coffee: May 2023 - Items covered...
Special Guest: Angela McGregor, RTO Consulting
Implementing self-assurance and keeping it simple
What is your view of the Skills Minister's comments yesterday that Fee-Free TAFE is "marking the start of a once in a generation reform of the TAFE and VET sector."
What's happening with the Revised Standards?
Updates for the month
Compliance over Coffee: April 2023 - Items covered...
What to include in your RTO induction.
Items for a HR File Checklist.
Updates for the month
How can WHS be assured when practical assessments are being videoed by the student and conducted without assessor presence?
+ Takeaways
Induction Record
Approved Personnel HR Checklist
Compliance over Coffee: March 2023 - Items covered...
Special Guest: Carmel Guy, EDministrate
Self-assurance in practice
Updates for the month
Can an RTO refuse to offer Credit Transfer on a transcript that was previously a Credit Transfer outcome?
Compliance over Coffee: February 2023 - Items covered...
Pre-Enrolment Review processes & records
Updates for the month
Annual Compliance Declaration arrangements for 2023
+ Takeaways
Enrolment Application (Pre-Training) Review Record
Compliance over Coffee: January 2023 - Items covered...
Planning for the year ahead!
Summary of current reform consultations status & key focus areas
Updates for the month
What is your advice on TAE upgrades?
+ Takeaways
RTO Start of Year Checklist
Internal Audit & Services Review Schedule Template
Compliance over Coffee: December 2022 - Items covered...
Special Guest: Angela McGregor, RTO Consulting
Revised SRTO Consultation Paper
Training Package Reform consultation & proposed documentation
Updates for the month
Compliance over Coffee: November 2022 - Items covered...
Special Guest: Tracie Regan, Tracey Regan Consulting
Marketing Tips for 2023!
Updates for the month - TAE22, Revised SRTO
How many hours PD do you think is a good target?
If we were to engage a third-party to recruit students for funded training what level of detail is required on the advertising material regarding this arrangement?
Compliance over Coffee: October 2022 - Items covered...
Phill Bevan, vetr Community Advisor
VET 2023 CEO Strategy Survey key items
Latest on ASQA Self-Assurance progress
2023 VET Professional Development Survey key items
As a non-CRICOS RTO, how should you best check international student status?
Does the naming convention for a unit now include a hyphen between the unit code and title as it appears on Training.gov.au?
Can trainers who are used semi-regularly able to be truly considered 'contractors'?
Compliance over Coffee: September 2022 - Items covered...
Special Guest: Marc Ratcliffe, CEO MRWED Training and Assessment
4 ways to engage your students
Credit Transfer - latest advice from WA TAC
Are there benefits to trainers/assessors working as contractors?
Updates for the month
Compliance over Coffee: August 2022 - Items covered...
Special Guest: Dr Deniese Cox, Teaching Online
Latest research on delivering VET online
Challenges & tips for educators
Purpose of the RIGOR technique
How can you ensure the practical assessments are completed effectively online.
How is Recognition of Currency Competency (RCC) supposed to be reported under AVETMISS?
Compliance over Coffee: July 2022 - Items covered...
Special Guest: Ian Whitehouse, MD Digital Coaching & Consultancy
Tips on how to think more strategically about digital enablement in your business
Jobs & Skills Summit
ASQA's clarification on credit transfer
TAE update update
Compliance over Coffee: June 2022 - Items covered...
Special Guests: Darlene McLennan, ADCET & Jen Cousins TAFE SA
Disability Standards for Education 2005
ADCET resources available to support students
New VET resources coming soon
Disability Awareness online courses & other PD opportunities
Compliance over Coffee: May 2022 - Items covered...
Special Guest: Kerri Buttery, Digital Literacy Licence
Digital Literacy Skills Framework & actions for providers.
Change of Australian Government impacts for VET.
Updates for the month.
Proposed TAE22 update - topical items.
Compliance over Coffee: April 2022 - Items covered...
Special Guest: Angela McGregor, RTO Consulting
Supporting & monitoring individual learning & records
Australian Government budget items.
Biggest updates for the month ever!
The difference between RCC & RPL. Is RCC still relevant?
Compliance over Coffee: March 2022 - Items covered...
Phill Bevan, vetr Community Advisor
Selecting assessment methods
Digital assessment developments
National Microcredentials Framework release
New Training Package Assurance arrangements & new VET Industry Clusters
Using superseded units of competency as imported units in a qualification during the transition period
Compliance over Coffee: February 2022 - Items covered...
Phill Bevan, vetr Community Advisor
Course transition steps
Recommend a course and trainer scheduling app please?
Does the same rule apply to deliver a deleted unit as it does for a superseded unit when it is listed in a current qualification?
If you have a Qualification on scope that becomes superseded. What reasons might there be for the updated Qualification to not be added to your scope automatically? How do you know if you need to apply for the updated Qualification to be added to your scope?
Updates for the month
+ Takeaways
Course Transition Checklist
Compliance over Coffee: January 2022 - Items covered...
Phill Bevan, vetr Community Advisor
Launch into 2022 - key tasks, dates & tips!
Reasonable adjustment
How to set up validation arrangements between 2x RTOs
Updates for the month
+ Takeaways
RTO Start of Year Checklist
Consultation Record
Internal Audit & Services Review Schedule Template
Compliance over Coffee: December 2021 - Items covered...
Phill Bevan, vetr Community Advisor
Myth Busting - Top 7 'How-to!' Quiz question errors in 2021
2021 Year in Review
2022 VET PD Survey & 2022 CEO VET Strategy Survey Results
VET PD Series 2022 - Special Announcements
Updates for the month
Compliance over Coffee: November 2021 - Items covered...
Special Guest: Kerri Buttery, MD VETNexus
Entry requirements vs pre-requisites
Updates for the month
Statistics from ASQA's annual report
Compliance over Coffee: October 2021 - Items covered...
Special Guest: Angela McGregor, RTO Consulting
Currency & PD Records
Tips for trainers to maintain and document currency
ASQA's new Performance Assessment Process
Do trainer's currency records need to be documented at the qualification level?
Updates for the month
Compliance over Coffee: September 2021 - Items covered...
Phill Bevan, vetr Community Advisor
Tips for robust Validation records
Where trainer matrix' go wrong
VET Qualifications Reform Consultation
ASQA's 2021-2022 Corporate Plan
VET Workforce Quality Strategy Consultation
Compliance over Coffee: August 2021 - Items covered...
Special Guest: Laurie Kelly, Brain Friendly Training
Managing the Training Environment
Brain Friendly Training techniques
Updates for the month
+ Takeaways
Trainer's Tips!
Compliance over Coffee: July 2021 - Items covered...
Special Guest: Michael Wolf, Lupo Digital
Sales for Marketing
If a unit has a new release, but the qualification hasn't been updated, do we use the new release unit in the current qualification?
All mid year updates on State & Territory budgets & contractual updates
Compliance over Coffee: June 2021 - Items covered...
Special Guest: Kerri Buttery, MD VETNexus
Transitions made eas(ier)
Equivalency & Credit Transfer
How to make feedback meaningful to your learners/ expectation of feedback for both Satisfactory versus Not Satisfactory outcomes
Compliance over Coffee: May 2021 - Items covered...
Special Guest: Angela McGregor, RTO Consulting
Requirements of trainers & how failure to maintain records can cause non-compliance
After pay options for students appears to be extremely hard to attain for new RTOs, how do we get around this?
Your thoughts on the ITECA accreditation for trainers?
Skills initiatives in Federal Budget 2021/22
+ Takeaways
Trainer HR Files Takeaway
Compliance over Coffee: April 2021 - Items covered...
Phill Bevan, vetr Community Advisor
Overview of ASQA's new Regulatory Guides
Authenticity in Online Assessment
TAE22 on the way? I have TAE40110 - Should I be upgrading to TAE16 before an updated Training Package is released?
Financial Management was wondering if one wanted to implement option to hold an membership with an approved Tuition Assurance Scheme. How can we find approved providers?
How do we authenticate a Certificate or Statement of Attainment when the RTO is no longer operational?
Our 2nd 5 year validation cycle started in April 2020, but some of the qualifications on our scope haven't been delivered since 2018. What do you suggest we do to remain compliant with validation requirements for those qualifications as we don't have any recent assessment judgements?
+ Takeaways
Authenticity in Online Assessment Flyer
ASQA Regulatory Guides - Key Items
Compliance over Coffee: March 2021 - Items covered...
Special guest: Casey Helman, Casey Helman Consulting
Top findings from 2020 reviews
Verify versus Certify versus Authenticate - please explain?
It's interesting when an assessment question is straight forward such as what legislation governs work health and safety in your work place. How do you have a benchmark answer for a subjective question?
+ Takeaway
RTO Operational Benchmark Survey Summary Report
Compliance over Coffee: February 2021 - Items covered...
Special guest: John Price, The VET Gurus
Volume of Learning and the Amount of Training – the ‘Statics’ and the ‘Variables’
When Skill Sets are listed as 'implicit' under the RTO's Scope page on training.gov.au , does the RTO need to apply to their regulator to have these added to their Scope of Registration
If a trainer comes on board with an old TAE qualification that contains the units listed under a skill set, does this mean they hold the skill set for the purposes of working under supervision?
If students are completing mandatory 'hours of work' in the workplace to practice their skills and knowledge, is this still considered structured training?
+ Takeaway
Top Tips - Amount of Training & Volume of Learning
Compliance over Coffee: December 2020 - Items covered...
Special Guests: Michelle Charlton, Advisor VET PD Group, Kerri Buttery, MD VETNexus & Tony Kirton, Engage L&D
Christmas Show!
Updates for the Month
VET inspiring stories of 2020 and hopes for 2021!
Compliance over Coffee: November 2020 - Items covered...
Special Guest: Allison Miller, Digital Capability
Online Assessment Evidence
Updates for the Month
ASQA Self Assurance Consultation
In Schedule 1 of the SRTOs, several item numbers state that trainers are required to hold, "One of the following credentials" eg TAESS00014. Is it sufficient for trainers to hold the individual units that make up the skill set, or must they hold the specified skill set?
+ Takeaway
Collecting Online Evidence Checklist
Compliance over Coffee: October 2020 - Items covered...
Special Guest: Tony Kirton, Engage L&D
Compliance’ is only one element of quality assessment practice.
What is 'Quality' Assessment
2020/21 Federal Budget measures
Updates for the month
+ Takeaway
Assessment Quality
Compliance over Coffee: September 2020 - Items covered...
Special Guest: Michelle Charlton, VET PD Group
Self-assurance - what's changed & what hasn't?
Other than auditors (and compliance staff), does anyone actually ever look at a TAS'? RTOs spend a lot of time rewriting and keeping them up to date but who is meant to be the target audience?
Online delivery appeared in ASQA's 2020-2022 Regulatory strategy as a focus area. Do you think RTOs who commence online learning now will raise a red flag so to speak, especially those who deliver very practical courses?
+ Takeaway
Self Assurance for RTOs
Compliance over Coffee: August 2020 - Items covered...
Special Guest: Jason Ash, GM MRWED Training & Assessment
Virtually normal - Strategies for remote working
What key mistakes do you see RTOs making during there response to COVID?
What are the key statements our TASs need to contain to address the change to online delivery because of COVID? Have you seen a good template that addresses the changes?
+ Takeaway
Virtually Normal - Strategies for Engaging Students
Compliance over Coffee: July 2020 - Items covered...
Phill Bevan, vetr Communty Advisor
Top Tips for Trainers to end 2020
How is the new government microcredentials system going to work?
How did the TAE evolve to include Trainer/Assessors having to develop Assessment Tools?
Compliance over Coffee: June 2020 - Items covered...
Special Guests: Michelle Charlton, Advisor VET PD Group & Kerri Buttery, MD VETNexus
The Reform Agenda
Productivity Commission Interim Report into the National Agreement for Skills & Workforce Development
How can we develop practical assessments that require students to demonstrate the tasks which require physical contact or use of specific equipment in a way that they can be conducted remotely especially with the lockdowns in place and workplaces closed?
Compliance over Coffee: May 2020 - Items covered...
Special Guest: Melanie MacDonald, Growth Strategist at Mana Social
Driving Growth in your RTO
Marketing tips for growing your potential student pipeline
Authenticity is difficult to verify even without online assessment. There are difficulties around privacy. How can we overcome this?
What are people using SA VET Market Continuity Package for?
+ Video
Using Automation to Increase Student Enrolments
Compliance over Coffee: April 2020 - Items covered...
Special Guest: Tamara Simon, MD Take Another Look
Rebuilding Your RTO!
Are we able to re-issue Qualifications and Statements of Attainment in a different name when a student has changed their name?
Are regulators still auditing RTO's during this current environment?
Are RTOs able to provide credit transfer for units they they do not have on scope themselves?
+ Takeaway
12 Simple Strategies to Navigate the New 2020
Compliance over Coffee: March 2020 - Items covered...
Special Guest: Rob Bright, MD Cloud Assess
Going Digital, Taking Vocational Assessment Online
How can we ensure compliance around digital assessment?
Are there any particular tips you have learned that auditors like or dislike?
Do you have any comments regarding observations of performance in a digital format?
Advanced Diplomas require more complex and in depth assessment which quizzes/multiple choice are not suitable for. Any suggestions for digitising higher level assessments?
+ Takeaway
Top Tips for taking Assessment Online
Compliance over Coffee: February 2020 - Items covered...
Special Guest: Kerri Buttery, Director of VETNexus
Third Party Arrangements
What to do when dates on TGA for our training products don't match - sometimes there is a difference between the live site and the history extract.
Validation - how much external/internal validation should be aimed for?
How do SSO's consult with Industry?
An RTO uses a third party to deliver first aid. I'm assuming that this is an issue if the RTO doesn't also have first aid on their scope?
+ Takeaway
Third Party Arrangements - Top Tips!
Compliance over Coffee: January 2020 - Items covered...
Special Guest: Sinead McKenna, Manager - PwC Skills for Australia
Overview of Skills Service Organisations (SSos), Industry Reference Committees (IRCs) and the training package development / update process
TAE 3.0 & the new disability focused units of competency
Outline of the People with a Disability in VET project & new free elearning for VET Practitioners
Trainer Profiles - how to make the process as time efficient as possible without losing quality of trainers' answers and CPD action plans?
+ Takeaway
Free training to support students with disability in VET
Compliance over Coffee: December 2019 - Items covered...
Special Guest: Michelle Charlton, Consultant - Validations
If the RTO is advertising on Facebook, for example, can the RTO code just be in the About section of the page, or does it need to be on each individual post?
Does the RTO ID have to be on the Assessment material?
Trainer and Assessor currency - Vocation only or Vocation and TAE?
On enrolment, when asking for a middle name, what if there are more than one - for example, have two or more middle names? Should there be a statement on the enrolment form that indicates to the student to complete their name as per their USI registration?
+ Takeaway
Validation Tips!
Compliance over Coffee: November 2019 - Items covered...
Special Guest: Damian Peirce, Field Operations Manager, MEGT
New AASN Contracts from 1 February 2020
Engaging employers in training
Why don't regulators use industry experts in audits?
Do you think the various State Regulators should take a more pro-active (actual attendances) role in ensuring apprentices are being trained professionally?
Opinions on the cost recovery actions by ASQA
Changes with NSW Fee Free Traineeships, is this all trainees?
+ Takeaway
Australian Apprenticeships Employer's Guide
Compliance over Coffee: October 2019 - Items covered...
Special Guest: Emma Siebuhr, National Training Manager, Fortress Learning
TAE Upgrade – Research findings from Fortress Learning.
VIC Skills First Program - Requirement for 2x Evidence of Participation & overview of Activity Start & End Dates.
How big a part can Industry play in determining how much Industry PD our Trainer/Assessors require to stay current?
Does the AQF take precedence over ASQA or does ASQA direct and control AQF?
+ Takeaway
TAE Upgrade - Pathway Options
Compliance over Coffee: September 2019 - Items covered...
Special Guest: Michelle Charlton, Consultant - Training Tools Australia
Top tips for your Training & Assessment Strategies.
Overview of Volume of Learning, Amount of Training & Nominal Hours for Training & Assessment Strategies.
What is the best method for evidencing that you have sufficient resources to deliver training and conduct assessment for a unit/course?
What are your views on a point system to assist trainers and assessors with how much PD is enough to remain current?
Is a Trainer permitted to teach a VET course while awaiting results of one unit (TAEASS502) to complete the upgrade to TAE40116? There is some talk that the Trainer can deliver but must assess under supervision.
What sort of LLN testing do you recommend for a course that only lasts one day?
Whilst interviews with each enrolling student would provide you with first hand physical "evidence" in identifying any student LLN issues, how is this evidence recorded? Are you making a judgement call verbally? Do you then direct them to a LLN test ?
+ Takeaway
Top TAS Tips!
Compliance over Coffee: August 2019 - Items covered...
Special Guest: Rachel Taylor, RTO Manager at MacKillop Catholic College NT
Building a Positive Attitude towards compliance
What is the main driver of the number of RTOs closing?
So many resources and webinars reference employing correct pedagogy in VET. But shouldn't we be looking at an Andragogical model?
What are the "dimensions of competency" and how do they play into validation of assessment evidence?
Suggestions for how to manage the change process of swapping to the new VSL reporting timeframes once the TCSI system is rolled out?
Does an RTO have to conduct LLN assessments for every prospective student enrolling in NRT courses/qualifications?
+ Takeaway
Top Tips for building a positive attitude towards compliance!
Compliance over Coffee: July 2019 - Items covered...
Special Guest: Michelle Charlton, Consultant - Validations
Buying off the shelf & confirming fit for use!
Who thinks the AQTF Learner Survey needs a review?
Does a TAS have to specifically included trainer/s name/s for delivery and assessment?
How regularly should training product reviews be conducted (best practice)?
+ Takeaway
Top Tips for Buying Off the Shelf!
Compliance over Coffee: June 2019 - Items covered...
Special Guest: Rachel Taylor, RTO Manager at MacKillop Catholic College NT
Getting audit ready!
Determining quantity requirements to ensure trainers delivering VET are industry current (hold industry vocational competency)
Your take on ASQA issuing infringement notices / fines to 187 RTOs in April who didn't submit their data on time
Do we have to have validated old / superseded training products that were on our scope but we no longer deliver?
How does requirement for RTOs providing evidence to demonstrate compliance work with the requirement to only retain assessment samples of work for 6 months?
+ Takeaway
Getting Audit Ready!
Compliance over Coffee: May 2019 - Items covered...
Special Guest: Kerri Buttery, Director of VETNexus
Tips for running an effective internal Training Product review!
Is a qualification authentication considered to be providing personal information, and if not, is asking for proof of permission from student valid?
What are your thoughts on mandatory pre-enrolment assessments for all students regardless of qualification requirements to undertake testing? State funding contract has implied we need evidence of an entry assessment for all students
Can high risk units such as Workplace health and safety and Food safety be RPL'd?
+ Takeaway
Training Product Reviews Top Tips!
Compliance over Coffee: April 2019 - Items covered...
Special Guest: Ian Whitehouse, MD Digital Coaching & Consultancy
Top tips when going digital!
How do we verify a qualification if the issuing RTO has closed?
How do we improve our feedback / evaluation surveys response rate?
What to do when a "Notice of Intention to Sanction" or "Infringement Notice" arrives from the regulator
+ Takeaway
The Strategic Planning Process
Compliance over Coffee: March 2019 - Items covered...
Phill Bevan, vetr Community Advisor
Verifying & authenticating documentation - Tips & pitfalls
Relevance & use of JP certified documentation
Outline of the new ASQA General Direction - Resourcing requirements—for applicants seeking initial registration or change to scope of registration
Does a student have to meet the qualification Entry Requirements before we enrol them, or can we complete these units before they start the course?
+ Takeaway
Verification of Documentation procedure
Compliance over Coffee: February 2019 - Items covered...
Special Guest: Deb Carr, MD Think about Learning
Barriers to student engagement in RPL & strategies providers can use to support the process
Do we need to map Foundation Skills when mapping our Assessment Tools?
+ Takeaway
Competency Mapping - Assessment Tool Template!
Compliance over Coffee: January 2019 - Items covered...
Phill Bevan, vetr Community Advisor
Changes to Trainer & Assessor Matrix documentation for 1 April 2019?
Top Tips: Updating your individual Trainer & Assessor Matrix
Enrolment documentation & process changes for 2019 - National VET Data Policy, AVETMISS, VIC VETMISS?
Why does meeting the requirements of TAEASS502 seem so difficult?
+ Takeaway
Updating your Trainer & Assessor Matrix Top Tips!
Compliance over Coffee: December 2018 - Items covered...
Phill Bevan, vetr Community Advisor
The ""Compliance Context"
Using other parties to collect evidence!
Dates! What do all the various types of course dates mean from a compliance perspective?
How do unit of competency transitions affect what we deliver in our training products?
+ Takeaway
Using other parties to collect evidence Top Tips!
Compliance over Coffee: November 2018 - Items covered...
Phill Bevan, vetr Community Advisor
Format for the Compliance over Coffee live shows
Task Items List regarding compliance to make sure you're ready for the start of the new year
When can we start enrolling students for the new year?
Items to include in your Annual Continuous Improvement Calendar or Audit Schedule
Electronic signatures, what is and isn't possible?
+ Takeaway
End of Year Task Items List