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Trainer & Assessor Currency

Purchase for $66 (AUD) incl. GST

Implement an efficient process for documenting Trainer & Assessor Currency!

This session recorded in February 2025  explores Trainer & Assessor Currency including the sector requirements, matrix options & how to get through your records updates in a manageable approach!

We look at the key VET Practitioner requirements & obligations, share tips & tricks on how to approach demonstrating currency &look at the documentation you should have in place to support your currency records.  

+ Takeaways

We also include a handy Tips for Updating your Trainer & Assessor Matrix cheat sheet! 
& an example of vetr's VET Personnel Requirements Matrix Template!


    600+ Registrations!     

Duration: 1 hour, 15 minutes

Investment: $66.00 inc GST. 

 Free! for VET PD Series subscribers - Register via Special Events EXTRA on your vetr Portal dashboard.

What participants' say about this session...

Very informative & effective use of the time
The provision of very useful & appropriate material, clearly presented
This was excellent & I would have no hesitation in recommending the organisation to others
Really informative & relevant. Also to the point
It is really nice to talk compliance with someone who has a genuine enthusiasm for the topic
An interesting & thought provoking session
Really great - very clear & informative

Thorough & well delivered. Great examples shared
The presenters knowledge was great & presentation style was very engaging
Painful process well represented & delivered
Phill was a great presenter & really easy to understand & make sense of the wonderful world of compliance in the VET sector!
An hour well spent
Truly appreciative of today's insightful session, enriched with extremely useful refresher tips
Enjoyed the session & look forward to future sessions

Thank you for sharing your experience as an auditor, very helpful tips
Engaging presenter. clear explanations given for all terms
Well presented from an experienced practitioner
The presenter's delivery was animated and positive. He made the information more interesting by his engagement
Refreshed information - consolidation of what I'm doing right & what I could be doing better
I always love to attend or watch recorded session of Phill Bevan. Thank you Phill

I have attended many meetings over the years around currency & relevancy. Webinar was informative & refreshing for the start of the year :)
Thank you for being so clear and precise with your explanations

Thank you very much for another great session
Presenter was very engaging

The online delivery was engaging, informative, the session duration was ideal & the takeaways were very helpful
The information relayed & the motivation to implement advice into our practices
Thank you for the work that you are doing to assist us in equipping our next workforce


What we cover

  Trainer & Assessor currency requirements of the Standards for RTOs 

  Activities supporting your currency

  Completing a detailed Trainer & Assessor matrix with ease

  PD planning & records - what you need to cover

  Tips & tricks for the start of year activities you should consider


Our Presenter

Phill Bevan is a seasoned VET expert, having joined the sector last millenia.

Holding BSZ, TAA & TAE training package qualifications at Certificate IV & Diploma level, in addition to his Masters of Education with dual focus in competency based training & online education, Phill offers a wealth of practical understanding, knowledge and expertise across key RTO operating requirements, with real world application of all aspects of operations, including strategic & business planning, education quality frameworks, marketing & development, technology implementation, risk management and WHS.

Phill has demonstrated success working with hundreds of government departments, ASX listed companies, TAFE Institutes, enterprise RTOs, University dual sector providers & major private colleges in multiple countries - spanning schools, universities, VET providers and corporate L&D functions - while also working with national supporting organisations such as education publishers, technology suppliers and consultancy teams. 

Phill has held numerous directorships in corporate and not-for-profit organisations, and various professional recognitions including as a Fellow of the Australian Human Resources Institute, Certified Management Consultant with Exemplar Global and Registered Teacher. As a qualified and internationally experienced auditor, Phill has leveraged these skills in various government regulator and client projects to support issue identification and robust business improvement projects. 

 A Statement of Participation is available for issue on completion of the event's activities. 




  • The Vocational Education & Training Sector
    • Interpret VET policy context
    • Operate within VET delivery and compliance frameworks
    • Plan to improve own professional practice



The following statements are received when the course is completed:

Statement of Attendance
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