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Creating User-friendly RPL

Purchase for $55.00 (AUD) incl. GST

How to best read a unit of competency & identify ways to collect evidence

Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) is the formal acknowledgment of a person's current skills and knowledge, no matter how, when or where the learning occurred. However, the challenge for many RTO’s is how to best capture and measure this proof of current competency. RPL forms a critical part of the VET system. However, it is something that often creates confusion and stress for both candidates and assessors alike.

In this session replay with Damian Noud recorded in 2022, participants learn how to best read a unit of competency and identify ways to collect evidence to support the claim of competency that is both audit and candidate friendly!

    20+ Registrations!     

Key Outcomes:

  • Identify six (6) general principles to follow Identify to create an effective RPL tool
  • Explain how to develop user-friendly RPL processes
  • Describe key audit-friendly features of an RPL tool
  • Understand how best to read a unit of competency, with RPL in mind


Replay details

Duration: 1 hour, 20 minutes

Investment: $55.00 inc GST.

10% Discount! for VET PD Series subscribers - Use your Voucher Code when registering!


Damian Noud

Damian has more than 20 years of experience in training and assessing at universities and private colleges. Through his roles as a Director of Studies and then Principal at NSW and QLD private training organisations, Damian has had substantial practical management experience in Australia's VET sector. After completing an Honours degree in Economics, he obtained a Masters of Business Administration in addition to relevant vocational qualifications in Training and Assessment.

Damian relies upon his extensive experience in the VET industry in his current role in MRWED's Learner Success Team and has championed the development of MRWED Online. He has a fun and energetic delivery style and has delivered in excess of 500 days of face-to-face instruction in trainer training.


   A Statement of Participation is issued on completion of PD activities.




  • Recognition of Prior Learning
    • Determine candidate recognition needs
    • Develop customised recognition plan
    • Prepare RPL kit for applicant
    • Collect RPL evidence
    • Make and record assessment judgement



The following statements are received when the course is completed:

MRWED Statement of Participation
MRWED Statement of Participation
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