Industry Engagement Essentials
Let's explore the area of industry engagement!
Register now for this short video micro learning update on industry engagement requirements & strategies in the Australian vocational education & training sector.
A great overview or refresher before your next engagement activities!
Free! for VET PD Series subscribers - Register via your vetr portal dashboard.
15 minutes in duration.
1,040+ Registrations!
What we cover...
Industry engagement requirements summary of the Standards for RTOs 2015
What is meant by 'industry'
Common industry engagement strategies
Top tips for ongoing engagement activity!
A good overview & takes a practical approach
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Participant Feedback
Confirm your understanding of current terms, definitions & requirements.
A Statement of Completion is available on completion of course activities.
Vocational Training including Competency-Based Training
- Designing Training
- Interpret learning environment and delivery requirements
Vocational Learning
- Supporting Learning
- Interpret learning environment and delivery requirements
Here is the course outline:
Industry Engagement Essentials
17 min
Further vocational education resources
3 min
The following statements are received when the course is completed:
Statement of Completion |