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Auditing RTO Records

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Tips for addressing common records issues

Key items to look for in everyday RTO records auditing.

RTOs often have a range of 'daily cross-checks' set up to pick up small records challenges on an ongoing basis. But does the team know what to look out for?

In this introductory RTO administration focused webinar that ran in 2022, veteran VET expert and auditor Phill Bevan considers daily quality control and inspection processes (yes those spot checks!) that pick up the small items before they become big items! Discussing student files, enrolment documentation, assessment records and personnel files, explore the top 10 general records issues that the vetr team continue to find when undertaking RTO audits and how to support your team to find them early!


vetr's  Student File Audit Tool & Personnel HR Audit Tool  is also provided to all participants for your use.


Free! for VET PD Series subscribers - Register via your vetr portal dashboard.

1 hour, 30 minutes in duration.

    110+ Registrations!     


What we cover

Common RTO records evidence & processes

Key quality control & inspection practices

Top 10 records issues being found in RTO internal audits

Common RTO administration processes for robust records compliance

Tips for addressing common records issues

I found that Phill was very engaging & obviously knowledgeable
I've been involved in the RTO world for 23 years, but again left today's session with great tips, advice & knowledge
I look forward to other webinars
It was all very informative no matter how long you have a been in the RTO world
Great knowledge
I was very impressed - thank you
I have thoroughly enjoyed the presenter & learned a lot form him
Facilitator very enthusiastic about the subject & engaging
Informative & very interesting


Our Presenter

Phill Bevan is a seasoned VET expert, having joined the sector last millenia.

Holding BSZ, TAA & TAE training package qualifications at Certificate IV & Diploma level, in addition to his Masters of Education with dual focus in competency based training & online education, Phill offers a wealth of practical understanding, knowledge and expertise across key RTO operating requirements. With real world application of all aspects of operations, including strategic & business planning, marketing & development, technology implementation, risk management and WHS, Phill has demonstrated success in numerous projects with governments, ASX listed companies, TAFE Institutes, enterprise RTOs, University dual sector providers & major private colleges - as well as working with national VET publisher and technology supplier teams. 

As a qualified, certified and internationally experienced auditor, Phill has leveraged these skills in numerous government regulator and client projects to support issue identification and robust business improvement projects.


 A Statement of Participation is available for issue on completion of viewing the video replay.


Vocational Training including Competency-Based Training

  • The Vocational Education & Training Sector
    • Work within the VET policy framework



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